Oh what a day. Yes , the dilemma continues.I guess looke upon in another way I am fortunate to actually have a choice to make.I am grateful for that.
However, there was a situation at work regarding my termination.Turns out that my boss doesn't want to terminate my work as such and made an offer to pay me an allowance every month including my medical aid and to renew my work permit in exchange for remaining affiliated with the company. God does work in mysterious ways.Now with this offer I can actually remain legal in the country and have my basic needs paid for. Just said I'd think about it.I am actually happy about it after all .(you should have seen me this morning-I was furious). See I don't like being taken advantage of and felt my boss was doing that. I made it clear that I was not happy and he apologized. It is said things happen for a reason- true.
On a lighter note, here's something I read yesterday evening(I love books , reading and writing). It's from a book called "I am rich beyond my wildest dreams, I am, I am". Freaky title? Well, I am a bit freaky.I think it's cool to be rich and desire to be, hence me reading such stuff.When I say rich I mean enjoying abundance in every area of my life; spiritually, mentally, materially , being healthy and having fulfilling relationships. This really struck a cord regarding my life as a bird. Ok, here is the excerpt:
"In nature, the Universal Intelligence allows birds to thrive, grass to grow and fish to flourish all without any special effort. The earth itself spins and circles the sun with no help from humankind.Nature prospers easily and effortlessly.Humans are part of that ecosystem.We, too, are destined to prosper easily and effortlessly"
Isn't that wonderful news? But something so easy becomes difficult because of our ego and limited thinking. What a shame. I am learning how to go past my ego and wrong mindset. Will let you in on my progress.