life and love

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Blue Monday

I almost cried as I woke up this morning (ok, I have exaggerated a bit but you catch the drift). I really desire to work at home, on the internet and not having to get up when I'm still sleepy. Oh, is this the way of life? What a draaaggg!

I am determined to live a happy , fulfilling, abundant and fun life and I know, it is I who has the power to change my life. God help me.

I made a decision to cut the time spent watching TV by myself and my brothers.How have I done that? By removing the card from the decoder.Am I being too mean? Here's how I 'justify' it: I perceive that instead of focusing on their lives and thinking about how to improve their lives, they just bury themselves in movies non-stop and now TV has become like a drug. I know because it also affects me that way though these days I'm more conscious of how I spend my time and I know that at the end of the day time spent watching TV is gone and lost forever.

But do we understand this? Do we understand that we have to protect our minds from the junk shown on TV and elsewhere? Do we know that the mind just absorbs whatever it is presented with?. I have come to understand this and strive most of the time to filter what I come into contact with. It's not easy but with time it can be done. So cutting down TV time will definitely help me, and I hope it will help them too.

And no, they were not too thrilled about it.Gees, it's scary come to think about how easy it is to get addicted to a thing like TV. I am definitely getting crowned 'the Queen of Mean'


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